Flower Essences for Summer
Flower essences are messengers of the plant world; messengers of things we cannot see. This form of flower medicine is a way for us to connect to the unseen, hidden world of nature. Flower essences are there to strengthen the cord between yourself and your spiritual body; both your physical body on earth and your energetic body in relation to Nature and the unseen.
“Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.”
For every imbalance or blocked energetic/mental state, there is a corresponding flower essence to act as a guide, a remedy, to even the scales so your internal world balances again. Flower essences are no quick fix (is anything in herbalism or the plant world?) and they require you to do the necessary work in order to move from the blocked expression to the positive expression of an essence/state. Flower essences help us with the 'unseen’ work. You have to be responsible for the ‘seen’ work and take action towards healing.
What are the Bach’s Original Flower Remedies?
"The essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath who believed that the key to good health was by emotional harmony. By 1936 he identified 38 flower essences, each one derived from a different wild flower, plant or tree, and each corresponding to a specific emotion."
“And may we ever have gratitude in hearts that the great Creator in all His glory has placed the herbs in the field for our healing.”
Heather Flower Essence | Fraoch mór
Empathise and listen
For those who find no peace in their own company. May often find themselves seeking the companionship of anyone who may be available, as they find it necessary to discuss their own affairs with others, no matter who it may be. Those in the heather stagnant state are unhappy if they have to be alone for any length of time. An essence for those who need authentic connection and remain grounded in others presence, and for those who fear being alone.
Feeling: You talk about yourself a lot, overshare and find it hard to be alone.
The positive potential of Heather is to be heard and to connect
Larch Flower Essence | buaircíneach (conifer type tree)
Have confidence
For those who lack confidence in themselves and always feel as though they're 'less than' those around them. Easily succumbing to feelings of inferiority. Those who are perfectly capable if they chose to persevere.
Feeling: You lack confidence in your abilities.
The positive potential of Larch is confidence when faced with different challenges and situations. You are more than capable of staying true to yourself and acknowledging all you have to offer the world around you. Do not waver.
Vine Flower Essence | féith or dreapaire
Motivate and inspire
For those who are domineering and need others to act, think and view things the way they do as they believe it would be of benefit to everyone. This can make those in the Vine blocked state too critical of themselves and others. For those who are difficult to satisfy as nothing is good enough.
Feeling: You like to be in charge and can appear overbearing and bossy.
The positive potential of Vine is to inspire (seeing the good in others and encouraging and guiding without controlling).
Wild Oat Flower Essence | Coirce fiáin
Decide your path
For those full of ambition but lack direction. The endlessly spinning compass. Those in the wild oat blocked state find themselves unable to find joy in things as nothing feels 'right'. They know what they don't want but not what they do want. This causes distress and dissatisfaction with the present moment as there is always internal 'searching’.
Feeling: You are struggling to find your path in life.
The positive potential of Wild Oat is direction and the ability and confidence to decide on one's true path.
Wild Rose Flower Essence | Briúlán
Show enthusiasm
For those who surrender to the struggles of life without complaint or effort to improve ones situation. For apathy towards life, for lost sparks, failure to make effort for themselves and others. This stagnant state can come from being around uninspired &/ depressed individuals.
Feeling: You lack interest and enthusiasm.
The positive potential of Wild Rose is enthusiasm and a lively interest in the world and people around you.
Water Violet Flower Essence | Viola uisce
Connect with others
For those who in times of personal stuggle or illness, withdraw and like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable and self-reliant.
Feeling: You like to be alone, you can appear aloof or unapproachable.
The positive potential of Water Violet is to connect, and develop a warmer relationships with others, whilst maintaining your wisdom and dignity.
Willow Flower Essence | Saileach
Forgive and forget
For those embittered by the trials they have had to face in their life. Holding resentment for the pain, adversity or misfortune they have experienced. Those in the stagnant Willow state always feel hard- done-by, grumble often, and bears grudges.
Feeling: You feel resentful and sorry for yourself.
The positive potential of Willow is positivity.
“Humans have a soul which is their real higher self; a Divine, mighty Being.”
I hope working with one or some of these flower essences aids you in personal growth and healing this Summer. Stepping into your power and path, working on your confidence and self worth, and letting go of all that’s weighing you down are all themes of the Summer Solstice and Sun Season.
Tá an samhradh anseo. Blessings to you.
grá mór,
Remember. Reclaim. Rise.
Remember. Reclaim. Rise.
Introduction to Bach's Flower Essences
A short ebook guide for those beginning their journey with the classic 38 Bach's Flower Essences.
“I hope this guide will inspire you to delve into the world of flower essences and provide a starting point as you cultivate your own personal connection to sacred flowers.”