How to deal with the evil eye online
Deranged family members or bitter people from your past — the age of easy access to peoples online space means individuals fuelled with the need to compare and gossip are able to thrive in their nasty energy. There are many ways to solidify your own energy and online space to protect yourself from evil intentions. I discuss some ways to do that in this post. I hope this may be of use to you, as these tools were extremely helpful to me.
First and foremost, an important thing I want to say to people dealing with resentful and obsessed people is that your anger and disgust is valid. It’s very easy to say “don’t let them get to you”. But we’re human. Feeling betrayed, having boundaries crossed, and being disrespected understandably leads to anger. What’s important is not letting this anger consume you, and instead using it to alchemise your situation. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling any type of way as a response to someone acting in an unhinged manner. It’s infuriating to feel as though you ‘can’t escape’ the obsessive tendencies of some sad individuals. I’m here to say you can escape their projections and ill intent by deciding to shine regardless of what they say or think. YOU are more powerful than you’ve led yourself to believe. So let’s take that power back and set some energetic boundaries.
For times of energetic overwhelm or need for privacy, setting your accounts to private is an easy way to take control of those who can see your space. No you shouldn’t have to private all of your accounts in order to feel peace whilst sharing and scrolling. However, this is a good way to temporarily cut off someones access to you, and to protect your own peace of mind. I recommend doing this whilst you decide which of the following esoteric remedies will suit you best (or maybe you want all of them in your arsenal!). A private account is a simple fix but isn’t something you should feel you have to do in order to show up online authentically.
Something to remember
Allowing someone else to dictate how you show up in the world in any form — be that online or in the real world — is damaging to your esteem and how you view yourself. Shrinking yourself or shying away because someone else will comment on what you’re doing is not living to your potential; therefore playing into the hands of anyone who wishes you ill. Reclaiming your power is the most life changing act you can do. You have to decide you are worth all the success and be brave enough to put yourself out there. (something I’m doing with this blog and why i’m writing this post!)
Why I feel so strongly about this
I minimised myself in every way imaginable throughout school thinking it would help me avoid any jealous or resentful energy from people who were supposed to be my friends. All this led to was 1) me shrinking myself so much it led to chronic self esteem issues 2) avoiding things that would of brought me joy 3) it didn’t change anything anyway as mean and bitter people will find a way to let their toxic energy worm its way into everything.
The only remedy is cutting people out your life who make you feel you need to play it small. You have to trust your intuition and yourself enough to take this step as soon as you feel called to. I did this years after when I should have. But learning this the hard way allowed me to learn important life lessons that I’ve carried with me for years since. Mistakes I haven’t made since. Minimising yourself thinking it will help curb someones resentment is ridiculous. It’s only betraying yourself and giving insecure, resentful people what they want.
Having family members you cannot share your hopes, successes or dreams with is also painful. But it’s more painful to share with them and recieve evil eye energy back. So if you feel as though someone doesn’t have your best interests at heart, or they’re incapable of sharing in your joy/successes, STOP sharing with them. They don’t need to know anything about you. Some of the women in my family are — for lack of a better word — unhinged. An auntie who used to stalk mine and my sisters facebook profiles now has a daughter who obsessively stalks everyone's online presence full of envy and loathing. Having extended family members who are unable to be happy for you is unfortunately nothing new or abnormal. It pains me that so many women share such similar experiences of family members being their biggest secret ‘haters’ or naysayers. You cannot let bitter people be the reason you fear putting yourself out there. Their jealous nature and self loathing is their cross to bare — not yours. So leave them to fester in their misery and choose yourself.
As much as I could go on for hours about this, I refuse to give certain people any energy so I will refrain from saying anything else. Just know that you’re not alone if you have people in your immediate family who are so committed to their misery, that you striving for more in life only triggers them. As sad as it is, you have to move away from them and give people like that space. They will only hinder your growth, healing, and happiness.
3 Esoteric Remedies for the Evil Eye
A Folk Magic Spell
18 months ago I was dealing with a very toxic family member who was unable to respect any of my boundaries. I felt I was unable to have any social media accounts set to public instead of private. It reached a point where I had to lock the Living Through Nature socials as she was projecting so much hate on to them. I found it infuriating as I had to take the high road (rather than the show up and beat her ass road). So despite my Aries moon temptations, I decided to confide in one of my favourite folk witches, Malditas Adaeternum, and ask for her advice on dealing with the thorn in my side energetically, rather than physically.
So, here I am sharing one of the spells I used which I think will be very helpful for anyone dealing with a similar situation, or parasitic person.
The Protect & Return to Sender Spell
You will need:
Spring water (or well water or any sacred clean water)
A glass cup
A plate
Tea light candle
A cleansed space and aura
A piece of mirrored glass or small handbag mirror
Herbs (optional)
Why do we both love this spell so much? It’s so simple yet so powerful. But most importantly, it has a low karma footprint. You’re simply trapping and banishing any evil intention or energy that has been directed your way. If you use the mirror for the spell, you are also returning back to sender the ill wishes sent your way. You are not creating any negative or ill-intent energy of your own to send to someone unwarranted. Instead, you are protecting yourself, balancing the scales, and giving them a taste of their own medicine. A win in my opinion!
Ok, so before doing this I recommend cleansing yourself and your space. As well as ensuring that you’re grounded and calm. (that’s my way of saying have some magnesium and breathe.)
Firstly, take a glass of spring water (or your preferred water) and put a plate on top. Make sure to have the food side of the plate flat against the mouth of the glass. Ensure that the plate is flush with the glass to avoid pouring water everywhere. Then, carefully, flip the cup upside down so that the plate is the correct way up. Place the plate down behind a door of your choosing. You are trapping negative energy sent your way within the water in the glass.
The next steps are for you to use your intuition and listen to what you’re called to use. Besides saying a banishing prayer over the glass of water, the next parts are entirely optional.
Light a candle on top of the glass. Use a tea light or a slightly larger candle. The flame is aiding in trapping the energy in the glass. The flame protects you and destroys the ill intentions of those who wish you harm. The flame also guides the evil eye energy into the glass where it’s trapped. I recommend saying a prayer of protection or a charm over the flame. (Continue reading this blog post for some of my go-to Celtic remedies to recite for the evil eye).
Add a salt circle around your glass of water. Salt is a strong barrier to unwanted energies and the evil eye. If you choose to do this spell behind your bedroom door, adding the salt will help create energetic boundaries between you and other people in your home.
Add herbs after the salt if you desire. Rosemary and nettle are powerful protective herbs. Yarrow works well for energetic boundaries.
If you’re wanting to send the evil energy back to the sender, simply place the small mirror so that it’s leaning against the glass whilst facing the door.
The most important part of this is to say a prayer over your water once you’re finished setting up the spell in your desired way. You need to write and speak your own prayer. Make sure to include that you’re praying to trap all the ill-wished energy directed towards you into the glass of water. Let the spell do its thing overnight. Then come morning, pour the water way whilst reciting a banishing prayer.
This spell can be done as often as you feel it’s needed due to its low energetic footprint whilst still yielding powerful results.
How to find Malditas in the cyberverse:
Poets vulgarisms | Card readings | Folk magic
Instagram (DM for readings)
Revocations of consent
It doesn’t matter if it’s for people stalking you, someones evil eye, or the greater evil in this world — revoking consent from any entity that seeks to disempower, control, manipulate, or harm you in any way is essential for spiritual hygiene and your health and wellbeing in general. Setting boundaries and choosing what you consent to in this world is paramount and the power this has shouldn't be overlooked.
“I revoke consent from being followed or monitored on social media by people I know in real life who know, suspect or can assume I don’t want them to follow or monitor me”
Kiki has her own blog post specifically discussing the purpose of revoking consent, and how this plays out spiritually in our world. I highly recommend her work on this subject and urge you to read her potent article here. Reading this article before writing or performing your own will give you the understanding you’re looking for if this is a new concept to you. I personally found it very helpful and it allowed me to create revocations that were tailored and suited to me and my life.
Some more resources:
Clear here for the Kikimancy Shop where you’ll find a powerful guided Revocation of Consent Ritual (a must have for anyone looking to up their spiritual and energetic protection!)
Click here for Sovereign Ki’s declaration of non-consent.
Click here for Sovereign Ki’s powerful declaration of sovereignty.
“I revoke consent from being involved in, subject to, and/or energetically harvested for any programs, experiments, and/or manifestations designed to manipulate, exploit, distort my orientation and/or understanding of space and time.”
Celtic Christian Remedies for the Evil Eye
Here you’ll find one spell, one protective counteract (I would class as a spell), one charm, and one powerful protective prayer. These are all old Christian Celtic remedies from 17th Century used across Scotland, North West England, and Ulster, Ireland. They are written for you in English but were originally translated from Gaelic. Save them to your Pinterest so you can refer back to them when needed.
Something important to keep in mind when working with charms is that, if the charm isn’t Just or warranted, then it will be returned onto you. So when sending anything to anyone, always make sure that it is deserved and Just. This way you’re protected and avoid unnecessarily harming yourself.
Spiritual Hygiene
Here are some ways to keep on top of your spiritual hygiene daily/weekly:
Cleansing and exfoliating daily. I know cleansing twice daily goes without saying for most people. But I feel it’s important to stress the spiritual and energetic importance of treating your body as a temple and caring for your skin. Dedicating time to look after yourself, your body, your beauty is dedication to your spiritual protection. Reciting your favourite prayers or affirmations whilst showering is an easy yet powerful way to add some magic and protection work into your day.
Salt bath weekly or as often as you feel called. Add herbs like rosemary for added energetic protection. Add rose to soothe. Add nettle to strengthen boundaries. Use your intuition as you always know what you need. Use plenty of salt too. I like using mix of epsom, local sea salt, Himalayan salt, and magnesium salt. When pouring the salt into the bath, recite a prayer of protection to infuse into the sacred water.
Utilise smoke cleansing with incense, resins, loose herbs. Which herbs grow around you? What are you feeling called to use? Keeping on top of cleansing yourself, your living space, and your devices will help remove stagnant energy and allow you have more energetic space. I enjoy pairing this with revocations of consent: especially when cleansing my phone and electronic devices in general.
Lighting candles for protection. Bonus if you make them yourself. When lighting a candle for protection, recite your favourite protection charm or prayer. Cleanse yourself and your space before hand. Embody the feeling of freedom from others projections. Light your candle and let the divine fire cleanse and protect you.
Physical boundary work is a personal favourite way of ensuring your home and living space is your sanctuary from the evil entities of the outside world. I make a protective mix of herbs and salt, using only what I feel called to use. I then place this mix outside every door to my home, as well as every window ledge. Again, doing this whilst singing or reciting a prayer of protection is a powerful yet simple way to banish energies you do not want around your home. I do this whenever I feel it is needed, in addition to new moons and fire festivals.
One simple way of ensuring you have more spiritual protection during your sleep is to always cleanse before bed. Going to bed clean and fresh is an essential part of winding down for the day, and making sure that you are carrying no energy from the day into your dreams that night. Wearing white for bed, and sleeping on white sheets, may be the simple key you’re looking for to help with energy at night. I also highly recommend covering all mirrors — especially before bed.
Making sure to stay on top of cleaning your living space. Stagnant energy needs to be cleaned. Opening your windows every morning, making your bed, and tidying your space is essential for keeping energy flowing. Deep cleaning weekly is also something I couldn’t stress enough. Sounds simple and everyone should be doing this anyway. But I’m aware it’s easy to neglect certain ‘chores’ if you view them as something you ‘have’ to do. Instead, view them as an act of self love and spiritual protection. Keep your living space clean, full of fresh air, and decluttered is a non-negotiable for me.
I hope these ways of energetically dealing with parasitic people and entities proves helpful to you. Do you have any go-to’s for this type of work? If you feel called, share below in the comments.
Blessings and protection for you.
le grá